Saturday, January 1, 2011

Title - Day 1

Place holder for photo

Happy New Year!!!

The first day of the year offers the delicious excitement of fresh unspoiled snow covering a long road yet to be traveled.  A world of endless possibilites lie ahead just waiting to be discovered.

I have countless daily creative ideas roaming through my mind that rarely find their way to manifestation.  So I've created this blog to make visible and give life to these artistic yearnings from within.  It is my intention to create daily and I hope this blog will keep me accountable.  In order to gain true proficiency at anything, regular dedicated practice is necessary.  So I hope to learn and grow during this process and become better acquainted with the habits and practices of an artisan and learn more about my craft. 

This blog will chronicle my daily journey of artistic exploration and magical discoveries, while revealing my deep creative soul.